How the News Came to Be

News is essentially information on current affairs. This can be given through a number of media: print, broadcast, postal, wire services, online publishing, or by the oral testimony of witnesses and observers to major events. There are many sub-components of news, including breaking news, day-to-day development, and serious events such as natural disasters or war.


Breaking news is the most significant type of news, since it immediately reflects on the general public. It refers to news that have occurred beyond customary news channels. It is very critical to the functioning of democracy. The public’s right to know is protected by the press. Although public interest requires that news be general, special significance is given to current affairs.

The mass media such as radio, television, and prints play an important role in keeping people informed. They give timely information, by the quickest means, on events affecting the public. When something occurs that is newsworthy, the public gets to know about it immediately through a variety of sources. In this way, the public is able to react quickly and efficiently. It acts as a dynamic platform for news.

The breaking news is characterized by a dramatic announcement by a newspaper or magazine about an event, which transpires beyond normal reporting. It is usually followed by a series of further developments or by the arrival of more details. The first reactions usually posted on public media include a picture or a video of the incident. Then more facts are revealed and reported, and later pictures and videos are added. In some cases, local TV or radio stations broadcast live the proceedings of the news conference on their websites.

The purpose of news is to inform the public. This objective can be achieved through reporting of recent events that affect the nation or through special reporting activities such as documentary, feature stories, investigative, and feature stories. News is also disseminated to the general public through various mediums, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. Although the first aim of news is to inform, it also aims at creating public awareness and supporting the cause of various social causes.

The news today has changed dramatically. It used to be controlled by a few editors who determined the content and the form of news. Nowadays, public access to all types of news is possible through numerous mediums. Newspapers, magazines, radio, and television provide the bulk of news. The public has access to up-to-date and comprehensive news from all over the world.